Hi, my name is
Barnabas Ukagha.
I build things on the web.
I'm a front-end developer specializing in building exceptional digital experiences. I would be pleased to build accessible, interactive human-centered products for you, with you and your clients.
About Me
Hello! My name is Barnabas and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet. My interest in web development started back in the year 2022 when I logged on to twitter for entertainment and saw a few people talking about an occupation that is location-proof (I can work for anyone from anywhere I am on the planet), an occupation that is not affected by the double digit unemployment rate in my country, an occupation that enables me talk to computers like in sci-fi movies, I was highly interested so I asked on how to acquire such skill and few weeks later i found myself browsing through freecodecamp.org.
Fast forward to today, and I am skilled enough to have built multiple projects. such as, a Rock-scissors-paper game, an age calculator, a multi-step form, e.t.c. i have even cloned the magnificent Tesla home page. My main focus these days is improving my skill set in web development by building more interactive and complex projects.
Here are some of the technologies I am conversant with:


JavaScript (ES6+)



Tailwind Css


Some Things I've Built
Space Tourism
A single page web info of going to space. Built with HTML,SCSS and jQuery.
A single page, single player, Rock-scissors-paper game that can be played with the computer. Built with HTML,SCSS and JavaScript.
Multi-Step Form
A single page interactive multi-step form, built with HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
Age Calculator App
Find out exactly how old you are, you can even check how long since an event took place, like a party or even a historic event. It was built with pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
What's next?
Get In Touch
I am always looking forward to new opportunities, that's why my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you!